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Matt’s June Feature: Is it worth a trip to a hi-fi show?

Is it worth a trip to a hi-fi show?

As part of my job, I attend many hi-fi shows and often find myself wondering if I wasn’t part of the industry, would I still go to them? The answer is, of course, a resounding yes, a good hi-fi show is a must-visit for any music lover. 

Hi-fi shows are more than just events for displaying the latest audio technology; they are gatherings of industry professionals, enthusiastic audiophiles, music lovers, and curious newcomers alike. Attending a hi-fi show can be a hugely valuable experience. Here is why I think you should visit one:

The latest products

Many manufacturers unveil their latest products at hi-fi shows for the first time. Very often this will give you the opportunity to see and hear a product before it is available elsewhere. Recently, amongst other products, I saw MOON’s 891 network player/preamplifier and 861 power amplifier combination, and Audiovector’s Trapeze Reimagined loudspeakers launched at High-End Munich. (If you would like to see their UK show debut, then head down to this weekend’s North West Audio Show in Cheshire).

Immersive Audio Experiences

One of the primary reasons to attend a hi-fi show is the opportunity to experience high-end audio in a way that is often not possible at home or through online videos. A decent event will offer acoustically treated rooms designed to highlight the best possible sound from the equipment on display. You will be able to listen to the exhibitor’s playlist and perhaps have the opportunity to hear your favourite music on a state-of-the-art system. This immersive experience will allow you to appreciate the nuances of sound that each product delivers.

Hands-On Interaction 

Hi-fi shows bring together the latest innovations in audio technology under one roof. Attendees have the unique opportunity to interact directly with products, whether it is the latest turntable, amplifier, or pair of speakers. Seeing and using these products provides a deeper understanding and appreciation that specifications on a website cannot convey. Furthermore, you can compare different products side by side, making it easier to decide what might be the best fit for your setup.

Direct Access to Industry Experts

Another significant advantage of attending hi-fi shows is the chance to meet and engage with industry experts. These include product designers, engineers, and company representatives who can provide detailed insights into their products. Whether you have specific technical questions or seek advice on optimising your home audio system, these experts are readily available to assist you. The personal interactions and firsthand information you gain will be invaluable for making informed purchasing decisions.

Discovering New Brands and Products

While many attendees are familiar with the big names in hi-fi, shows often feature lesser-known brands that offer high-quality and innovative products. Discovering these hidden gems can be a rewarding experience.

Networking and Community Building

Hi-fi shows are also social events that foster a sense of community among attendees. Meeting like-minded individuals who share your passion for high-quality sound can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of these events. Sharing experiences, discussing preferences, and debating the merits of different equipment can be both enlightening and entertaining. 

Exclusive Deals

Manufacturers and retailers often offer exclusive deals and discounts at shows. This can be a great opportunity to purchase high-end equipment at a reduced price and could make attending a hi-fi show a financially savvy decision.

Should I stay or should I show?

Whether you are a seasoned audiophile or just beginning your journey into sound, a good hi-fi show offers something for everyone, making it an event not to be missed (there are bad shows; contact me if you would like my opinion). If you are up for a trip south, this weekend’s North West Audio Show in Cheshire is worth attending. Alternatively, you can wait for a show that is more local to you.

Lastly, an excellent substitute for a hi-fi show is to visit Loud & Clear in Leith. The store is full of the latest products, offers private demos, and the team is both entertaining and knowledgeable. Plus, the coffee is better than that of any show I have ever been to.


Matt Tasker (Ammonite Media), June 2024

Who is Matt?

Matt runs Ammonite Media, the PR, marketing and social media agency that we have used for many years. He has been working with the hi-fi industry for nearly two decades and has a unique, and sometimes irreverent, insight into the industry.

Each month, Matt will treat us to his views on what is making the world of speakers, cables, streamers and turntables tick.